Monday, February 23, 2009

Legendary singer Zhenya Shevchenko died in NYC last Monday

Zhenya Shevchenko

В прошлый понедельник в нью-йорке умерла легендарная певица Женя Шевченко.  Её племянница никак не могла достать визу в Америку из Бразилии, поэтому Женя все ещё не похоронена.  Я думаю, похороны состоятся завтра или послезавтра.  Я сообщу всякие детали относительно похорон в своём блоге, когда буду знать все подробности.

Все музыканты и танцоры ансамбля Барыня восхищались Евгенией Павловной Шевченко, её жизнелюбием, чувством юмора и энергией.  Казалось бы совсем недавно Саша Меньшиков, Лёша Синявский и я играли на очередной Жениной свадьбе в "Русском Самоваре". Она была в шикарном настроении, влюблена и полна жизни.

Мы узнали о её смерти на гастролях в Сиетле от историка Сергей Рогозина.  Никого не осталось из той плеяды артистов, которыет работали русско-цыганский репертуар по-Парижски, как Алёша Димитриевич и Женя Шевченко.

Посмотреть фотографии и видео с последнего концерта Жени Шевченко с ансамблем Барыня можно на нашем вебсайте:

Legendary Russian Gypsy singer Zhenya Shevchenko past away last Monday in New York City.  Her niece from Brazil had problems to obtain American visa.  She just arrived couple of days ago and today she started to make arrangements for Zhenya's funeral.  I will post more information to my my blog regarding Zhenya's funeral as soon as I have it available.

All musicians and dancers of ensemble Barynya admired Zhenya for her streinght and love of life.  She was a living legend to all of us.  Not too long ago Sasha Menshikov, Alex Siniavski and me were playing at Zhenya's wedding at the "Russian Samovar" in New York City, she was in love and full of life, .  We have find out about Zhenya's death from historian Serge Rogosin diring our tour in Seattle, WA.  In my opinion Zhenya was the last  singer who were performing Russian-Gypsy style shanson of Paris flavor.  The others like Alyosha Dimitrievich are gone a long time ago.

You can see photos and videos from last concert of Zhenya Shevchenko with ensemble Barynya on our website:

I will post all details regarding the funeral in my blog as soon as I have it available

Mikhail Smirnov

Ensemble Barynya



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Barynya Russian dancers and musicians concert in Toronto, Canada, December 13, 2007

Barynya Russian dancers and musicians concert in Toronto, Canada

On December 13, 2007 at 8pm Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya performed during big corporate event at the upscale club "Guvernment" (Kool Haus Entertainment Complex), 132 Queens Quay East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 3Y5 Canada.

Performers: bayan virtuoso Valery Abramov, Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka),
Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass),
Alex Siniavski (balalaika, Gypsy guitar), singer Alexander Menshikov,

dancers: Valentina Kvasova, Olga Chpitalnaia, Natalia Ejova, Stefan Kuziw and Danila Sherstobitov.

Barynya members were staying, eating, drinking, rehearsing at Stefan Kuziw's house in Toronto.

Photos provided by LKB (Leonid Kimovich Bruk)


Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya in Toronto, Canada

Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya in Toronto, Canada

Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya in Toronto, Canada

Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya in Toronto, Canada

view all pictures @ Barynya website