Saturday, November 29, 2008

Дед Мороз и Снегурочка

В России Дед Мороз и Снегурочка являются символами праздника Нового Года , самого любимого празника у большинства россиян. Дед Мороз впервые появился на Рождество в начале 19-ого столетия. В советское время окончательно сложился образ доброго Дедушки Мороза, который приходит со своей внучкой Снегурочкой, поздравляет всех с наступлением Нового Года и приносит детям подарки.

Новый Год в Нью-Йорке

В Нью-Йорке также есть люди, которые с удовольствием празднуют Новый Год по-русски: ставят елку, кладут под неё подарки и вызывают своим детям Деда Мороза со Снегурочкой. У русскоговорящих жителей Нью-Йорка принято праздновать Новый Год в русских ресторанах и веселиться всю ночь.

Почти в каждом русском ресторане за 5 минут до наступления Нового Года Дедушка Мороз (иногда один, а иногда и со Снегурочкой) поздравляет всех с наступающим Новым Годом и звучит знакомая каждому песня "Пять минут". Барыня Энтертейнмент обеспечивает вызов Деда Мороза и Снегурочки в офис, клуб, магазин, ресторан, бар, кафе, детский садик, домой, на корпоративную вечеринку, детский Новогодний праздник, в штатах Нью-Йорк, Нью-Джерзи, Коннектикут, Пенсильвания, и во всех пяти районах Большого Нью-Йорка: Манхэттене, Бруклине, Квинсе, на Стейтен-Айленде и в Бронксе. Дед Мороз и Снегурочка придут по указанному Вами адресу и поздравлят детей, руководство, сотрудников и посетителей. Чтобы пригласить Деда Мороза со Снегурочкой обращайтесь к Михаилу Викторовичу Смирнову в концертное агенство Барыня.

все фотографии по адресу

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ансамбль песни и пляски донских казаков

Государственный Академический ордена Дружбы Народов Ансамбль песни и пляски Донских Казаков был создан в 1936 году. В основу концертной программы были положены народно-песенные традиции Донского края: могучая лирика казачьих песен, захватывающие пляски, обрамлённые тонкой вязью музыкального сопровождения. Танцевальные номера программы создавались с учётом характерных особенностей хореографической культуры Дона. Кроме чисто фольклорной программы имеются сюжетные танцы, посвящённые героическим страницам прошлого и настоящего донских казаков, хореографические миниатюры и шуточные танцы.

Ансамбль постоянный участник крупнейших фестивалей страны «Русская зима», «Московские звёзды», «Северное сияние», а также крупных международных форумов культуры. Высокому мастерству артистов прославленного коллектива рукоплескали восхищённые зрители многих стран Европы, Азии, Америки, Африки. Везде Донские казаки получали восторженный приём. В прессе авторы рецензий называли артистов из Ростова-на Дону «очаровательными», «великолепными», «ошеломляющими», «неистовыми»! О том впечатлении, какое произвели зарубежные гастроли ансамбля Донских казаков на публику и профессиональную критику, можно судить по заголовкам рецензий, появившихся, например, в американской прессе:
«Русская трупа ошеломляюща» (Серакьюз)
«Казаки великолепны» (Сафферан)
«Танцоры ослепили зрителей» (Мертл-бич)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Russian party in New York City

Pictures from the Russian party in New York City with DJ Barnaul, singer Alexander Menshikov, MC-singer Misha and Gypsy dancer Anna were taken on Thursday, August 14, 2008 during the Russian night party at the night club "TOUCH" in New York City, 240 West 52nd Street, New York, New York, 10019

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tall outstanding women, Russian DJ Barnaul, Gypsy singer Menshikov NYC Aug 14, 2008

A special evening: "From Russia with Love, Music, and Dance!" organized by Olga & Elena @ Mednik Events (

Thursday, August 14th, 2008, 7:00pm-11:00 pm at "Touch" 240 West 52nd Street, New York City
Admission: $10 payable at the door

You will enjoy traditional Tsygansky Cossack Russian Ukrainian Gypsy Roma Sibirian live entertainment featuring songs, dances and music by Russian ensemble Barynya ( Russian Gypsy singer Alexander Menshikov (, folk dancer Alexey Maltsev a.k.a Dj Barnaul (, Mikhail Smirnov - ensemble Barynya leader will play garmoshka, balalaika, jaleika and gusli (, New York own Russian Dj Barnaul ( will play a mix of American, European, and world dance music, including some exclusive Russian music selections, special guests: Tall Outstanding Women (

List of Ensemble Barynya upcoming public performances:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008. event in Brooklyn, New York

Saturday, September 6, 2008. Slavic Festival at Morgan Park (between Landing Road and Germaine Street), Glen Cove, New York

Monday, September 8, 2008, 6pm. Windsor Terrace Library, 160 East 5th Street at Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11218, Phone 718-686-9707

Thursday, September 11, 2008, 1PM. Cragin Memorial Library. 8 Linwood Avenue (Route 16) Colchester, Connecticut 06415. Telephone: 860-537-5752

Thursday, September 18, 2008. 6-9pm. Evening with Mikhail Gorbachev. National Constitution Center, 525 Arch Street, Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA 19106. 2008 Liberty Medal will be awarded to the former Soviet leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mikhail Gorbachev.

Saturday, September 20, 2008 from 11am to 5pm. New Jersey Statewide Cultural Festival, South Riverwalk Park, Trenton, New Jersey.

Sunday, September 28, 2008. Sound check 2pm. Historic Smithville Park 801 Smithville Rd Mt Holly, NJ 08060. Phone (609) 265-5858.

Thursday, September 25 - Roseau, MN
Friday, September 26 - International Falls, MN
Saturday, September 27 - Ely, MN
Sunday, September 28 - Park Falls, WI
Monday, September 29 - Medford, WI
Tuesday, September 30 - Sturgeon Bay, WI
Wednesday, October 01 - Beaver Dam, WI
Thursday, October 02 - Albert Lea, MN
Friday, October 03 - Clear Lake, IA
Saturday, October 04 - Denison, IA
Sunday, October 05, 3pm - Indianola, IA
Monday, October 06 - Newton, IA
Tuesday, October 07 - Fairfield, IA
Thursday, October 09 - Worthington, MN
Friday, October 10 - Fairbury, NE
Sunday, October 12, 2:30pm - Cozad, NE
Monday, October 13 - North Platte, NE
Tuesday, October 14 - Huron, SD
Boulevard, Patchogue, NY 11772
Thursday, October 16 - Hastings, MN
Friday, October 17 - Marshall, MN
Saturday, October 18 - Sauk Centre, MN
Sunday, October 19 - Wadena, MN
Monday, October 20 - Wahpeton, ND
Tuesday, October 21 - Lisbon, ND
Thursday, October 23 - Menno, SD
Friday, October 24 - Mobridge, SD
Sunday, October 26 - Dillon, MT
Tuesday, October 28 - Glenwood Springs, CO
Thursday, October 30 - Delta, CO
Saturday, November 01 - Tucumcari, NM
Sunday, November 02 - La Junta, CO
Monday, November 03 - Concordia, KS
Thursday, November 06 - Perryville, MO
Saturday, November 08 - La Porte, IN
Monday, November 10 - Hannibal, MO

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008 from 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. St. Joseph's College. St. Joseph's College, 155 West Roe

Sunday, October 19th, 2008. Afternoon or evening. The Palace at Somerset Park, 333 Davidson Road, Somerset, New Jersey. 6 dancers. Russian American wedding. Pending contract.

Barynya Penn State University Tour 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008. 8pm. Hazleton, PA
Wednesday, November 12, 2008. 3pm. Lehman, PA
Wednesday, November 12, 2008. 8pm. Schuykill, PA
Thursday, November 13, 2008. 3pm. Dunmore, PA
Thursday, November 13, 2008. 8pm. DuBois, PA

Sunday, November 16th, 2008. 3pm-4:30pm. Ridgewood Public Library, 125 N. Maple Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450, phone: (201)-670-5600

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008. Russian traditional dance and music program at Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus. 11011 SW 104 ST Miami, FL 33176-3393

Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4pm. Ulmer Park Library, 2602 Bath Ave at 26th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11214, phone: 718-265-3443

Sunday, December 14, 2008. Ramapo College of New Jersey, 505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ. Phone: (201) 684 - 7500

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 from 5pm till 11:30pm. Three 45 min presentations during First Night Celebration in Hazleton, Pennsylvania

January 10-11, 2009. Eugene, Oregon. Slavic Festival. Pending.

February 5-9, 2009. Concert with Arizona Balalaika Orchestra. Pending

Friday, February 27, 2009, 8am. Smith Middle School. 216 Addison Rd, Glastonbury, CT 06033

Sunday, February 22, 2009, afternoon. The Community Theatre at Mayo Center for The Performing Arts. Morristown, New Jersey

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009. Ridgecrest, CA. Indian Wells Community Concert Series

Saturday, October 17, 2009. Roswell Cultural Arts Center, 950 Forest Street, Roswell, Georgia 30075. Concert with Atlanta Balalaika Society

More details at

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

y Youri Nelzine Russian Choreographer "So you think you can dance" FOX TV Show

Youri Nelzine - Russian Choreographer at "So you think you can dance" FOX TV Show.

August 6, 2008. "So You Think You Can Dance" - FOX reality TV dance competition - TV Show, Los Angeles, California. For the final episode Youri Nelzine choreographed "Trepak" from "The Nutcracker" (music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky).

Friday, June 27, 2008

free Russian dance concert in New Jersey June 28 2008

The Universal African Dance & Drum Ensemble, and Barynya Russian dance and music ensemble

Saturday, June 28, 2008, 6:30PM
Burlington County Amphitheater
5 Pioneer Boulevard, Westampton, NJ 08060
Phone: (609) 265-5068

BARYNYA PERFORMERS: Dancers Natalia Ejova, Valentina Kvasova, Ganna Makarova, Andrij Cybyk, Alexey Maltsev, Mikhail Nesterenko, Mikhail Smirnov, Alexander Menshikov, Alex Siniavski, Leonid Bruk.

The Burlington County Freeholders invite residents to International Music Night at the amphitheater on Saturday, June 28, then return for the All American 4th of July Weekend shows on Friday, July 4 and Saturday, July 5.

All three performances at the spacious open-air amphitheater in Westampton are free and begin at 6:30 p.m.

International Music Night will feature both the Universal African Dance & Drum Ensemble, and the Russian music and dance ensemble Barynya.

The Universal African Dance & Drum Ensemble is one of the largest in the country. A versatile troupe that performs song, dance and drum from many sections of Africa, the group’s performances feature stilt walkers, dancers, drummers, ground masquerades and an acrobatic show.

Barynya features the best in Russian, Cossack and Ukrainian dance and music performers. The group began in 1991 in New York with accordion player Mikhail Smirnov, dancer Sasha Anchutin, and folk singer Natasha Demidova. Full company consist of eight dancers, six musicians and two singers. Artistic director Mikhail Smirnov. Barynya presents Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian, Russian Gypsy dancing, music, songs, virtuoso performances on balalaika, garmoshka (Russian folk button accordion), balalaika contrabass, bayan accordion, Gypsy guitar, violin, domra.

The All-American 4th of July Weekend at the amphitheater kicks off July 4 with the Joey Pucci band and Tom Sadge’s tribute to Neil Diamond.

Tom Sadge has been a professional entertainer over 30 years who has performed at venues all over North America, and opened for Kool and the Gang, Jackie Mason, The Guess Who, and Engelbert Humperdinck. On July 5, the Paul Holtzman Orchestra and the Swing Sisters will entertain, along with a special mystery guest. Performing together for more than a decade, the orchestra features musicians and retired music educators primarily from South Jersey who specialize in playing music from the Big Band Era.

The Swing Sisters’ show will includes tributes to the Andrews Sisters and the McGuire Sisters, followed by music from Broadway, the fabulous ‘50s and the sensational ‘60s. Laced with humor and seven costume changes, the performance will inspire plenty of nostalgia.

Located on Pioneer Boulevard off Woodlane Road in Westampton, the amphitheater is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year, and once again, free performances are planned for every Friday and Saturday evening, all summer.

Visitors are encouraged to bring blankets and lawn chairs, but for the courtesy and safety of others, please do not set up chairs until after 4 p.m. Bottled water and refreshments will be sold during the shows. No alcohol, pets, or glass containers.

All performances are subject to change. In the event of inclement weather, some shows may move inside the library or the nearby Burlington County Institute of Technology.

For a complete list of this season’s performances and show times, go to Free Burlington County Amphitheater 2008 Summer Season brochures are available at locations throughout the County, including the Burlington County Library in Westampton.

For more information, call the Division of Cultural Affairs and Tourism at (609) 265-5068.

Tsygansky Russian Gypsy Roma concert videos

Highland Park, New Jersey, USA, January 13, 2007

Ensemble Barynya performance in Highland Park, New Jersey, USA January 2007
View all videos from concert on Saturday, January 13th, 2007 at Highland Park High School, 431 Raritan Avenue, Highland Park, New Jersey, USA


Russian Gypsy folk show "Moscow" from New York

Russian Gypsy music and dance

Gypsy Roma folk songs lyrics

Russian Gypsy dance video and pictures

Russian Gypsy chanson performer Alyosha Dimitrievich

Gypsy singer Zhenya Shevchenko, Legend of Russian immigration

Gypsy singer Svetlana Yankovskaya

Gypsy violin virtuoso Sergey Ryabtsev

Russian Gypsy singer Vasily Yankovich from New York

Vasily Romani New York Russian Gypsy Band

singer Anne Harley. Russian and Gypsy songs

Russian Gypsy song music and dancec Duo "Anne and Vadik"

Russian Gypsy 7-string guitar duo "Timofeyev and Kolpakov"

Via Romen Russian Gypsy dance and music ensemble

Цыганский ансамбль танца, песни и музыки Виа Ромэн

Vadim Kolpakov - Russian Gypsy 7-string guitar, voice & dance

Via Romen photos

Russian Gypsy singer Zhenya Shevchenko video DVD

Zhenya Shevchenko's photos, posters, concert programs and album covers

Zhenya Shevchenko - An Unknown Track - "Shawl"
Женя Шевченко - Неизвестная Запись - "Платочек-летуночек"

The Kolpakov Trio Russian Gypsy Guitar Album

Gypsy music and dance DVD: VIA ROMEN and Kalinka Volshaninova

Russian Gypsy group GELEM album "You Are My Soul"

MP3 from Album "You Are My Soul" by ensemble Gelem

Russian Gypsy music and dance discussions

Gypsy Violin duo Nina and Isaac Danchenko from New York

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Russian folk music and dance concert in Brooklyn, New York

Contact Barynya Entertainment Booking Agency for fast quote

Russian folk music and dance concert in Brooklyn, New York

Alexey Maltsev, Valentina Kvasova, Leonid Bruk, Lev Zabeginsky, Mikhail Smirnov
click the photo above to see more photos and videos

Pictures and videos made by Sarah Tilevitz during Russian folk music and dance ensemble Barynya performance at the Windsor Terrace Public Library 160 East 5th St (at Ft. Hamilton Pkwy) in Brooklyn, New York, 11218 on Monday May 12, 2008.

Performers: Lev Zabeginsky (balalaika), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Mikhail Smirnov (vocal, garmoshka, guitar), dancer/singer Valentina Kvasova, dancer Alexey Maltsev (a.k.a. DJ BARNAUL).

For fast price quote contact Mikhail Smirnov

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

где в нью йорке найти деда мороза со снегурочкой?

Актуальный вопрос: где в Нью-Йорке найти Деда Мороза со Снегурочкой?

Ответ очень простой: Ансамбль Барыня располагает несколькими костюмами Деда Мороза и Снегурочки. Причем, Снегурочки и Деды Морозы из Барыни поют, танцуют и играют на музыкальных инструментах, а Снегурочки - все красавицы как на подбор. Дед Мороз и Снегурочка поводят хороводы вокруг ёлочки и споют для Ваших детей или гостей все необходимые в таких случаях песенки:

В лесу родилась ёлочка

Маленькой ёлочке холодно зимой

Ой мороз-мороз

Вдоль по улице метелица метет

Чтобы пригласить деда мороза и снегурочку связаться с Михаилом Смирновым, директором ансамбля Барыня

On December 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 2007 from 12PM till 4 PM New York based Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya dancers and musicians were leading a group of Russian Father Frosts and Snow Maidens (Ded Moroz and Snegurochka) to greet New Yorkers and promote new TV Channel "RUSSIA TODAY".

to hire Father Frosts and Snegurochkas contact Barynya Entertainment

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas

Barynya performers featured on photos by Dalia Bagdonaite: artistic director of Barynya, singer and Russian folk accordion garmoshka player Mikhail Smirnov, singer and dancer Valentina Kvasova, singer Alexander Menshikov, balalaika virtuoso Lev Zabeginsky, Russian button accordion bayan virtuoso Victor Danilochkin, dancer Olga Chpitalnaia, dancer Danila Sherstobitov, dancer Andrij Cybyk, dancer Natalia Ejova, dancer Olga Sokolova (Aisha), dancer Anna Mikhailenko and others.

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas
In the culture of the Eastern Slavs the traditional character Ded Moroz (Russian: Дед Мороз) plays a role similar to that of Santa Claus. The literal translation of the name would be Grandfather Frost. However, English-speakers traditionally translate his name as the alliterative Father Frost.

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas

Ded Moroz brings presents to children. However, unlike traditional Russian Ded Moroz Father Frosts of Barynya ensemble bring the sound of Russian Holiday to the streets of big city.

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas
Ded Moroz is accompanied by Snegurochka (Russian: Снегурочка), or "Snow Maiden", his granddaughter.

Snow Maiden - Snegurochka Olga Chpitalnaia

Father Frost & Snegurochka

Father Frost & Snegurochka

The traditional appearance of Ded Moroz has a close resemblance to that of Santa Claus, with his coat, boots and long white beard. Specifically, Ded Moroz wears a heel-long fur coat, a semi-round fur hat, and white valenki or high boots (sapogi), silver or red with silver ornament. Unlike Santa Claus, he walks with a long magical staff, does not say "Ho, ho, ho," and drives no reindeer but a troika.

The official residence of Ded Moroz in Russia is the town of Veliky Ustyug. The residence of the Belarusian Dzied Maroz is in Belavezhskaya Pushcha.

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas

Russian Winter dance "Metelitsa"

Father Frost & Snegurochka

Father Frost & Snegurochka

Valentina Kvasova

Father Frost & Snegurochka

Father Frost & Snegurochka

Alexander Menshikov, Lev Zabeginsky, Mikhail Smirnov
Father Frost & Snegurochka

Father Frost & Snegurochka

Артисты ансамбля Барыня исполняют новогодние песни

New York City, December 2007

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

В лесу родилась ёлочка

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York


Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Нью-Йорк отмечает Новый Год по-русски

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Дедушки Морозы и Снегурочки в Нью-Йорке

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Happy New Year - С Новым 2008 годом!

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Дед Мороз и Снегурочки в Нью-Йорке

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Russian Father Frosts in New York City

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Mikhail Smirnov

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Victor Danilochkin and Lev Zabeginsky

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Near the Plaza Hotel in New York City

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Ensemble Barynya Father Frosts and Snegurochkas New York

Friday, June 13, 2008

Фотографии нью-йоркского ансамбля Барыня были использованы государственным танцевальным ансамблем из Петербурга

Ensemble Barynya from New York photos were used by Saint Petersburg’s State Dance Company Ensemble "Barynya"
for their poster in Cyprus. We do not mind, it is just weird.

Фотографии нью-йоркского ансамбля Барыня были использованы государственным танцевальным ансамблем из Петербурга. Мы, в принципе, не возражаем, но это довольно странно...

СПРАВКА: Ансамбль "Барыня", Санкт-Петербург

Санкт-Петербургский государственный ансамбль танца «Барыня» (худ.рук. - з.а.России Т.Тимохина).
Посредством хореографического, музыкального, вокального искусства ансамбль раскрывает
духовное богатство народов России, показывает ее прошлое и настоящее, ее изумительную
богатую природу. Тема этого концерта русское казачество, уже при Петре казаки были в близком
окружении великого царя и несли ему достойную службу.


Молодцы-ребята, привет от нью-йоркской Барыни Барыне Санкт-Петербургской!
В следующий раз пользуйтесь своими фотографиями...

Михаил Смирнов
Ансамбль Барыня, Нью-Йорк

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Дискотека на корабле в Манхэттене в воскресенье, 22 июня

Sunday, June 22, 2008, from 5 to 9pm, New York City
Russian American Dance Party "Diskoteka" on the boat

Sunday, June 22, 2008 from 5 to 9pm. DJ BARNAUL will host a Russian American Dance Party Diskoteka aboard party boat MARCO POLO "LUCILE". Address: New York Skyports East 23rd Street & FDR Drive New York, NY 10010. To get more information or buy tickets visit





JUNE 22, 2008 s 5pm - 9pm

Весь вечер с вами DJ Барнаул с танцевальной

развлекательной программой

Цена билета: $ 50

Friday, May 16, 2008

Traditional Russian costumes for children and adults for sale

Traditional Russian costumes (used) for children and adults are available for sale. These costumes were used once by Vadim Kolpakov's Tsygansky (Russian Gypsy Roma) ensemble Via Romen for performance. Six costumes are available.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Barynya at the Russian Nobility Ball 2008 New York City Friday May 9th

70th ANNIVERSARY of the Russian Nobility Association in America
Friday, May 9th, 2008. Pierre Hotel, New York
61st street and 5th Avenue
For reservations call (845) 356-0296

Cocktails 7:30 PM, Dinner 8:30 PM, Dancing 9 PM

Ensemble Barynya will provide music for cocktails and performance of our eight dancers during dinner (around 9:30-9:45pm). Barynya will start the program with "Danila Cooper" ("Danilo Kupor", "Daniel Cooper", ru: "Данила Купер") dance.

About "Daniel Cooper dance" from "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy:

"Look at Papa!" shouted Natasha to the whole company, and quite forgetting that she was dancing with a grown-up partner she bent her curly head to her knees and made the whole room ring with her laughter.

And indeed everybody in the room looked with a smile of pleasure at the jovial old gentleman, who standing beside his tall and stout partner, Marya Dmitrievna, curved his arms, beat time, straightened his shoulders, turned out his toes, tapped gently with his foot, and, by a smile that broadened his round face more and more, prepared the onlookers for what was to follow. As soon as the provocatively gay strains of Daniel Cooper (somewhat resembling those of a merry peasant dance) began to sound, all the doorways of the ballroom were suddenly filled by the domestic serfs- the men on one side and the women on the other- who with beaming faces had come to see their master making merry.

"Just look at the master! A regular eagle he is!" loudly remarked the nurse, as she stood in one of the doorways.

The count danced well and knew it. But his partner could not and did not want to dance well. Her enormous figure stood erect, her powerful arms hanging down (she had handed her reticule to the countess), and only her stern but handsome face really joined in the dance. What was expressed by the whole of the count's plump figure, in Marya Dmitrievna found expression only in her more and more beaming face and quivering nose. But if the count, getting more and more into the swing of it, charmed the spectators by the unexpectedness of his adroit maneuvers and the agility with which he capered about on his light feet, Marya Dmitrievna produced no less impression by slight exertions- the least effort to move her shoulders or bend her arms when turning, or stamp her foot- which everyone appreciated in view of her size and habitual severity.

The dance grew livelier and livelier. The other couples could not attract a moment's attention to their own evolutions and did not even try to do so. All were watching the count and Marya Dmitrievna. Natasha kept pulling everyone by sleeve or dress, urging them to "look at Papa!" though as it was they never took their eyes off the couple. In the intervals of the dance the count, breathing deeply, waved and shouted to the musicians to play faster. Faster, faster, and faster; lightly, more lightly, and yet more lightly whirled the count, flying round Marya Dmitrievna, now on his toes, now on his heels; until, turning his partner round to her seat, he executed the final pas, raising his soft foot backwards, bowing his perspiring head, smiling and making a wide sweep with his arm, amid a thunder of applause and laughter led by Natasha. Both partners stood still, breathing heavily and wiping their faces with their cambric handkerchiefs.

"That's how we used to dance in our time, ma chere," said the count.

"That was a Daniel Cooper!" exclaimed Marya Dmitrievna, tucking up her sleeves and puffing heavily.

read more at WAR AND PEACE by Leo Tolstoy, Book One, CHAPTER XX

Ensemble Barynya website:

Thank you!
Mikhail Smirnov

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Russian international singles party New York City May 18, 2008 6-10pm

Russian international singles party New York City May 18, 2008 6-10pm

Dancing under the stars aboard The Marco Polo Boat "Jewel" on Sunday, May 18, 2008 from 6pm to 10pm.

Address: Manhattan 23 Str & FDR drive. $50.00 admission includes snacks & salad bar. Limited number of tickets.

Lots of dancing with Russian DJ BARNAUL

For more information call Janna 1-(862)-668-8824
or visit

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Chicago Cossacks new photo and video added

"Chicago Cossacks" is a Russian music and song ensemble from Illinois. They perform Russian, Ukrainian, Cossack, Russian Roma (Gypsy) music and songs on traditional Russian musical instruments such as domra, balalaika and bayan.

Musical director - Russian and Ukrainian domra and balalaika player, songwriter/performer of Russian Chanson Gennady Sergienko. Singer and guitar player Marina Kalinina. Bayan (Russian button accordion) virtuoso - Arkady Pevchin.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Russian Dance and Music ensemble Barynya upcoming public concert


This is Mikhail Smirnov, director of ensemble Barynya. I wanted to update you on our upcoming public performances:

Friday, May 9, 2008. The Russian Nobility Ball at the Grand Ball Room of "The Pierre Hotel", Fifth Avenue at 61st Street, New York City, New York

Monday, May 12th, 2008 at 6:30 PM. Windsor Terrace Public Library. 160 East 5th Street (at Ft. Hamilton Pkwy) Brooklyn, NY 11218

Monday, June 9, 2008 starting around 6PM. Russian Folk Tales and Fairy Tales program in English. Ephrata Public Library. 550 South Reading Road, Ephrata, PA 17522

Saturday, June 21 starting approximately at 2PM. Russian dance and music program. Ephrata Public Library. 550 South Reading Road, Ephrata, PA 17522

Saturday, June 21 starting approximately at 6PM. Erie Zoo 423 West 38th St. Erie, PA 16508

Saturday, June 28, 2008, 7:30-9PM. Burlington County Amphitheatre, West Hampton, Burlington, NJ 08016

Sunday, June 29, 2008, 2PM. The Long Island Museum of American Art, History and Carriages. 1200 Route 25A Stony Brook, NY 11790

Saturday, July 19th, 2008. Russian balalaika duo. International Summer Music Series. Liberty Village Premium Outlets. One Church Street, Flemington, NJ 08822

Sunday, July 27th 2008. Great Neck Park District. 65 Arrandale Avenue, Great Neck, New York 11024

Monday, August 4th, 2008, 1:30pm-2:30pm. Musikfest 2008, Bethlehem, PA, Volksplatz stage

Friday, August 8th, 2008, 1:30pm-3:00pm. Musikfest 2008, Bethlehem, PA, Volksplatz stage


Thursday, September 25 - Roseau, MN
Friday, September 26 - International Falls, MN
Saturday, September 27 - Ely, MN
Sunday, September 28 - Park Falls, WI
Monday, September 29 - Medford, WI
Tuesday, September 30 - Sturgeon Bay, WI
Wednesday, October 01 - Beaver Dam, WI
Thursday, October 02 - Albert Lea, MN
Friday, October 03 - Clear Lake, IA
Saturday, October 04 - Denison, IA
Sunday, October 05, 3pm - Indianola, IA
Monday, October 06 - Newton, IA
Tuesday, October 07 - Fairfield, IA
Thursday, October 09 - Worthington, MN
Friday, October 10 - Fairbury, NE
Sunday, October 12, 2:30pm - Cozad, NE
Monday, October 13 - North Platte, NE
Tuesday, October 14 - Huron, SD
Thursday, October 16 - Hastings, MN
Friday, October 17 - Marshall, MN
Saturday, October 18 - Sauk Centre, MN
Sunday, October 19 - Wadena, MN
Monday, October 20 - Wahpeton, ND
Tuesday, October 21 - Lisbon, ND
Friday, October 24 - Mobridge, SD
Sunday, October 26 - Dillon, MT
Tuesday, October 28 - Glenwood Springs, CO
Thursday, October 30 - Delta, CO
Saturday, November 01 - Tucumcari, NM
Sunday, November 02 - La Junta, CO
Monday, November 03 - Concordia, KS
Thursday, November 06 - Perryville, MO
Saturday, November 08 - La Porte, IN
Monday, November 10 - Hannibal, MO


Tuesday, November 11, 2008. 8pm. Hazleton, PA
Wednesday, November 12, 2008. 3pm. Lehman, PA
Wednesday, November 12, 2008. 8pm. Schuykill, PA
Thursday, November 13, 2008. 3pm. Dunmore, PA
Thursday, November 13, 2008. 8pm. DuBois, PA

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008. Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus. 11011 SW 104 ST Miami, FL 33176-3393

February 5-9, 2009. Concert with Arizona Balalaika Orchestra in Tuscon, Arizona

Thank you
Mikhail Smirnov

Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya
New York

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

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